Вторник, 18 февраля, 2025
Рассчитайте 10-летний риск развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний в результате атеросклероза
10-летний риск развития
сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний
~% Previous 10-Year
Риск развития заболеваний в течение жизни:  Lifetime Risk Calculator only provides lifetime risk estimates for individuals 40 to 59 years of age.
Аналогичный риск развития заболеваний
для лиц вашего возраста с оптимальными параметрами:

Рассчитайте 10-летний риск развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний в результате атеросклероза

Информация на сайте представлена в ознакомительных целях. Обратитесь к врачу, преждем чем использовать советы, приведенные на сайте
Возраст должен быть между 40-79
Значение должно быть между 90-200
Значение должно быть между 60-130
Значение должно быть между 130 - 320
Значение должно быть между 3.367 - 8.288
Значение должно быть между 20 - 100
Значение должно быть между 0.518 - 2.59
Значение должно быть между 30-300
Значение должно быть между 0.777-7.770

Values at Previous Visit

Укажите возраст
Возраст должен быть между 40-59
Общий холестерин отсутствует
Значение должно быть между 130 - 320
Значение должно быть между 3.367 - 8.288
Значение должно быть между 20 - 100
Значение должно быть между 0.518 - 2.59
LDL Cholesterol at Initial Visit is Missing
Значение должно быть между 30-300
Значение должно быть между 0.777-7.770
Systolic Blood Pressure is Missing
Значение должно быть между 90-200
Treatment Hypertension is Missing

Risk Reduction by Therapy

Therapy(s) Projected ASCVD Risk for this patient if Therapy Initiated
BP drug(s)**
Stop smoking†
Statin + Aspirin
BP drug(s) + Aspirin
Statin + BP drug(s)
Statin + Stop smoking
Stop smoking + Aspirin
BP drug(s) + Stop smoking
Statin + BP drug(s) + Aspirin
BP drug(s) + Stop smoking + Aspirin
Statin + BP drug(s) + Stop smoking
Statin + Stop smoking + Aspirin
Statin + BP drug(s) + Stop smoking + Aspirin
*Start moderate intensity statin, or intensify statin from a moderate to a high intensity dose.
**Start blood-pressure lowering medication if not currently taking, or add BP-lowering med (s) to patient’s existing regime.
†Stop smoking for two years
ǂStart or continue taking aspirin.
¶ NA = Not Applicable. Risk is not shown for therapy(s) that are not recommended. Guidelines do not recommend statin therapy for patients with 10-year ASCVD risk <5%. Guidelines do not typically recommend aspirin therapy for patients with 10-year risk <10%. ACC/AHA Guidelines do not specify antihypertensive drug therapy for SBP<120 mmHg (<130 mmHg w/diabetes)

Review Therapy Advice for this Patient

Continue usual care at MD’s discretion.

  • BP:
  • LDL-C:
  • Aspirin:
  • Smoking:

Lifestyle: This tool is meant to help decision making around use of statin, blood pressure medication, aspirin, and smoking cessation to lower risk, based on a particular evidence base.  However, AHA/ACC guidelines stress the importance of lifestyle modification as the foundation to lowering cardiovascular disease risk, and decisions around these therapies are assumed to be in the context of guideline-recommended lifestyle interventions.

Project Risk Reduction by Therapy

Projected 10-Year ASCVD Risk

T1 15.3 %  Stop Smoking, Add Statin Treatments

  Add New Treatment Scenario

*Guidelines do not recommend statin therapy for patients with 10-year risk < 5%
*Guidelines do not typically recommend aspirin therapy for patients with 10-year risk < 10%
*ACC/AHA Guidelines do not specify antihypertensive drug therapy for SBP<120 mmHg (<130 mmHg w/diabetes)
Projected 10-Year ASCVD Risk

T2 15.3 %  Stop Smoking, Add Statin Treatments

  Project a Different Therapy Combination

*Guidelines do not recommend statin therapy for patients with 10-year risk < 5%
*Guidelines do not typically recommend aspirin therapy for patients with 10-year risk < 10%
*ACC/AHA Guidelines do not specify antihypertensive drug therapy for SBP<120 mmHg (<130 mmHg w/diabetes)
Projected 10-Year ASCVD Risk

T3 15.3 %  Stop Smoking, Add Statin Treatments

  Project a Different Therapy Combination

*Guidelines do not recommend statin therapy for patients with 10-year risk < 5%
*Guidelines do not typically recommend aspirin therapy for patients with 10-year risk < 10%
*ACC/AHA Guidelines do not specify antihypertensive drug therapy for SBP<120 mmHg (<130 mmHg w/diabetes)
View Advice  
Advice can be displayed when required patient characteristics are entered
View Advice  
Advice can be displayed when required patient characteristics are entered

Visit Summary Below is a summary of patient’s risk, treatment options, and treatment advice based on the data provided.

Estimated 10-Year ASCVD Risk Profile

  • Actual Risk
  • Projected Risk

Enter potential treatment scenarios on the "Therapy Impact" tab to plot them on the graph above as well.

*Projected Risk with the following therapies:
  • A = Start or continue taking aspirin
  • B = Start, add, or intensify blood pressure medication
  • C = Manage cholesterol by starting or intensifying statin
  • S = Stop smoking for at least 2 years

Treatment Advice Summary

ACC Lifestyle Recommendations

LDL-C Therapy Advice for this Patient

Blood Pressure Therapy Advice for this Patient

Therapy Safety Information


  • Sex: Female
  • Race: White
  • Values Previous Current Current
    Total Cholesterol (mg/dL) (mmol/L) 240
    Холестерин-ЛПВП (mg/dL) (ммоль/л)
    Холестерин-ЛПНП (mg/dL) (ммоль/л)
    Систолическое артериальное давление (мм рт. ст.) 98 140
    Диастолическое кровяное давление (мм рт. ст.) 98 140
    Treatment for Hypertension: Да
    Aspirin Therapy:
Note: These estimates may underestimate the 10-year and lifetime risk for persons from some race/ethnic groups, especially American Indians, some Asian Americans (e.g., of south Asian ancestry), and some Hispanics (e.g., Puerto Ricans), and may overestimate the risk for others, including some Asian Americans (e.g., of east Asian ancestry) and some Hispanics (e.g., Mexican Americans).
Because the primary use of these risk estimates is to facilitate the very important discussion regarding risk reduction through lifestyle change, the imprecision introduced is small enough to justify proceeding with lifestyle change counseling informed by these results.


The results and recommendations provided by this application are intended to inform but do not replace clinical judgment. Therapeutic options should be individualized and determined after discussion between the patient and their care provider.

  Determine Therapy Impact
Potential risk reduction impact of different therapies can only be calculated for patients at an initial visit.
  Determine Therapy Impact
Potential risk reduction impact of different therapies can only be calculated for patients at an initial visit.

C оригинальным калькулятором можно ознакомиться тут. Калькулятор разработан при поддержке Американской коллегией кардиологов на основе медицинского руководства 2013 Prevention Guidelines Tools CV Risk Calculator

Зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций 21 октября 2010 г. Свидетельство о регистрации Эл № ФС77–42371. © 2025 Copyright ZdorovieInfo